Water is the most essential element to sustain life on this planet. 70 percent of the human body is made up of water. You may have not known this but in ancient times, our ancestors and even our grandmothers followed the practice of storing water in containers made of copper. Their aim was probably to safeguard drinking water but there’s more to the story.
This day we prefer to have UV or RO purifier at our homes in order to drink clean and purified H2O but most of our ancestors preferred to drink water from copper vessels and they advised the same to us. n real drinking water from copper, vessels are advantageous for our body and health too.[/sociallocker] “As per Ayurveda, drinking water kept in copper vessels (for at least eight hours or overnight), on an empty stomach in the morning, helps in balancing all three doshas (Kapha, Vata, and Pitta)” and even our scientists support this fact.